File: Components\Controls\SummaryDetailsView.razor.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Aspire.Dashboard\Aspire.Dashboard.csproj (Aspire.Dashboard)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Globalization;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Model;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Utils;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server.ProtectedBrowserStorage;
using Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.JSInterop;
namespace Aspire.Dashboard.Components.Controls;
public partial class SummaryDetailsView<T> : IGlobalKeydownListener, IDisposable
    public RenderFragment? Summary { get; set; }
    public RenderFragment? Details { get; set; }
    public bool ShowDetails { get; set; }
    public string? DetailsTitle { get; set; }
    public Orientation Orientation { get; set; } = Orientation.Vertical;
    public EventCallback OnDismiss { get; set; }
    public bool RememberSize { get; set; } = true;
    public bool RememberOrientation { get; set; } = true;
    [Parameter, EditorRequired]
    public T? SelectedValue { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Overrides the default key used to store the splitter size and orientation in local storage.
    /// By default, the key is based on the current URL. If you have multiple instances of this control
    /// on a page or want to share the same settings across multiple pages, you can set this property
    /// </summary>
    public string? ViewKey { get; set; }
    public RenderFragment? DetailsTitleTemplate { get; set; }
    public required ProtectedLocalStorage ProtectedLocalStore { get; set; }
    public required NavigationManager NavigationManager { get; set; }
    public required IJSRuntime JS { get; set; }
    public required ShortcutManager ShortcutManager { get; set; }
    private readonly Icon _splitHorizontalIcon = new Icons.Regular.Size16.SplitHorizontal();
    private readonly Icon _splitVerticalIcon = new Icons.Regular.Size16.SplitVertical();
    private string _panel1Size { get; set; } = "1fr";
    private string _panel2Size { get; set; } = "1fr";
    private bool _internalShowDetails;
    private FluentSplitter? _splitterRef;
    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
    protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
        // If show details is changing from false to true, read saved state.
        if (ShowDetails && !_internalShowDetails)
            if (RememberOrientation)
                var orientationResult = await ProtectedLocalStore.SafeGetAsync<Orientation>(GetOrientationStorageKey());
                if (orientationResult.Success)
                    Orientation = orientationResult.Value;
            if (RememberSize)
                var panel1FractionResult = await ProtectedLocalStore.SafeGetAsync<float>(GetSizeStorageKey());
                if (panel1FractionResult.Success)
        // Bind visibility to internal bool that is set after reading from local store.
        // This is required because we only want to show details after resolving size and orientation
        // to avoid a flash of content in the wrong location.
        _internalShowDetails = ShowDetails;
    private async Task HandleDismissAsync()
        await OnDismiss.InvokeAsync();
    private async Task HandleToggleOrientation()
        if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
            Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
            Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
        if (RememberOrientation)
            await ProtectedLocalStore.SetAsync(GetOrientationStorageKey(), Orientation);
        if (RememberSize)
            var panel1FractionResult = await ProtectedLocalStore.SafeGetAsync<float>(GetSizeStorageKey());
            if (panel1FractionResult.Success)
        // The FluentSplitter control will render during the async calls above, but with the wrong values.
        // We need to force a re-render to get the correct values.
    private async Task HandleSplitterResize(SplitterResizedEventArgs args)
        var totalSize = (float)(args.Panel1Size + args.Panel2Size);
        var panel1Fraction = (args.Panel1Size / totalSize);
        if (RememberSize)
            await SaveSizeToStorage(panel1Fraction);
    private async Task SaveSizeToStorage(float panel1Fraction)
        await ProtectedLocalStore.SetAsync(GetSizeStorageKey(), panel1Fraction);
    private void ResetPanelSizes()
        _panel1Size = "1fr";
        _panel2Size = "1fr";
    private void SetPanelSizes(float panel1Fraction)
        // These need to not use culture-specific formatting because it needs to be a valid CSS value
        _panel1Size = string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{panel1Fraction:F3}fr");
        _panel2Size = string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{(1 - panel1Fraction):F3}fr");
    public IReadOnlySet<AspireKeyboardShortcut> SubscribedShortcuts { get; } = new HashSet<AspireKeyboardShortcut>
    public async Task OnPageKeyDownAsync(AspireKeyboardShortcut shortcut)
        if (_splitterRef is null)
        if (shortcut is AspireKeyboardShortcut.ToggleOrientation)
            await HandleToggleOrientation();
        if (shortcut is AspireKeyboardShortcut.ClosePanel)
            if (SelectedValue is not null)
                await HandleDismissAsync();
                await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
        var hasChanged = false;
        if (shortcut is AspireKeyboardShortcut.ResetPanelSize)
            hasChanged = true;
        GetPanelSizes(_splitterRef.Panel1Size, _splitterRef.Panel2Size, out var panel1Size, out var panel2Size, out var panel1Fraction);
        if (panel1Size is null || panel2Size is null || panel1Fraction is null)
        if (shortcut is AspireKeyboardShortcut.IncreasePanelSize)
            SetPanelSizes(panel1Fraction.Value - 0.05f);
            hasChanged = true;
        else if (shortcut is AspireKeyboardShortcut.DecreasePanelSize)
            SetPanelSizes(panel1Fraction.Value + 0.05f);
            hasChanged = true;
        GetPanelSizes(_splitterRef.Panel1Size, _splitterRef.Panel2Size, out _, out _, out var newPanel1Fraction);
        if (newPanel1Fraction is null || !hasChanged)
        await SaveSizeToStorage(newPanel1Fraction.Value);
        await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
        static void GetPanelSizes(
            string? panel1SizeString,
            string? panel2SizeString,
            out float? panel1Size,
            out float? panel2Size,
            out float? panel1Fraction)
            if (panel1SizeString is null || !panel1SizeString.EndsWith("fr")
                || panel2SizeString is null || !panel2SizeString.EndsWith("fr"))
                panel1Size = null;
                panel2Size = null;
                panel1Fraction = null;
            panel1Size = (float)Convert.ToDouble(panel1SizeString[..^2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            panel2Size = (float)Convert.ToDouble(panel2SizeString[..^2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var newTotalSize = (float)(panel1Size + panel2Size);
            panel1Fraction = panel1Size.Value / newTotalSize;
    private string GetSizeStorageKey()
        var viewKey = ViewKey ?? NavigationManager.ToBaseRelativePath(NavigationManager.Uri);
        return $"SplitterSize_{Orientation}_{viewKey}";
    private string GetOrientationStorageKey()
        var viewKey = ViewKey ?? NavigationManager.ToBaseRelativePath(NavigationManager.Uri);
        return $"SplitterOrientation_{viewKey}";
    public void Dispose()