// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Components.Controls.Chart;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Model;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Components.Dialogs;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Otlp.Model;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Resources;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Utils;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components;
using Icons = Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components.Icons;
using Microsoft.JSInterop;
namespace Aspire.Dashboard.Components.Controls;
public partial class MetricTable : ChartBase
private SortedList<DateTimeOffset, MetricViewBase> _metrics = [];
private List<ChartExemplar> _exemplars = [];
private string _unitColumnHeader = string.Empty;
private IJSObjectReference? _jsModule;
private OtlpInstrumentSummary? _instrument;
private bool _showCount;
private DateTimeOffset? _lastUpdate;
private IQueryable<MetricViewBase> _metricsView => _metrics.Values.AsEnumerable().Reverse().ToList().AsQueryable();
public required IJSRuntime JS { get; init; }
public required IDialogService DialogService { get; init; }
public bool OnlyShowValueChangesInTable { get; set; } = true;
protected override async Task OnChartUpdatedAsync(List<ChartTrace> traces, List<DateTimeOffset> xValues, List<ChartExemplar> exemplars, bool tickUpdate, DateTimeOffset inProgressDataTime, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Debug.Assert(_jsModule != null, "The module should be initialized before chart data is sent to control.");
// Only update the data grid once per second to avoid additional DOM re-renders.
if (inProgressDataTime - _lastUpdate < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
_lastUpdate = inProgressDataTime;
if (!Equals(_instrument?.Name, InstrumentViewModel.Instrument?.Name) || _showCount != InstrumentViewModel.ShowCount)
// Store local values from view model on data update.
// This keeps the instrument and data consistent while the view model is updated.
_instrument = InstrumentViewModel.Instrument;
_showCount = InstrumentViewModel.ShowCount;
_metrics = UpdateMetrics(out var xValuesToAnnounce, traces, xValues, exemplars);
_exemplars = exemplars;
if (xValuesToAnnounce.Count == 0)
await Task.Delay(500, cancellationToken);
var metricView = _metricsView.ToList();
List<int> indices = [];
for (var i = 0; i < metricView.Count; i++)
if (xValuesToAnnounce.Contains(metricView[i].DateTime))
await _jsModule.InvokeVoidAsync("announceDataGridRows", "metric-table-container", indices);
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
// This call happens after a delay. To ensure there is no chance of a race between disposing
// and using the module, catch and ignore disposed exceptions.
private async Task OpenExemplarsDialogAsync(MetricViewBase metric)
var vm = new ExemplarsDialogViewModel
Exemplars = metric.Exemplars,
Applications = Applications,
Instrument = InstrumentViewModel.Instrument!
var parameters = new DialogParameters
Title = DialogsLoc[nameof(Resources.Dialogs.ExemplarsDialogTitle)],
PrimaryAction = DialogsLoc[nameof(Resources.Dialogs.DialogCloseButtonText)],
DismissTitle = DialogsLoc[nameof(Resources.Dialogs.DialogCloseButtonText)],
SecondaryAction = string.Empty,
Width = "800px",
Height = "auto"
await DialogService.ShowDialogAsync<ExemplarsDialog>(vm, parameters);
private SortedList<DateTimeOffset, MetricViewBase> UpdateMetrics(out ISet<DateTimeOffset> addedXValues, List<ChartTrace> traces, List<DateTimeOffset> xValues, List<ChartExemplar> exemplars)
var newMetrics = new SortedList<DateTimeOffset, MetricViewBase>();
_unitColumnHeader = traces.First().Name;
for (var i = 0; i < xValues.Count; i++)
var xValue = xValues[i];
var previousMetric = newMetrics.LastOrDefault(dt => dt.Key < xValue).Value;
if (IsHistogramInstrument() && !_showCount)
var iTmp = i;
var traceValuesByPercentile = traces.ToDictionary(trace => trace.Percentile!.Value, trace => trace.Values[iTmp]);
var valueDiffs = traceValuesByPercentile.Select(kvp =>
var (percentile, traceValue) = kvp;
if (traceValue is not null
&& previousMetric is HistogramMetricView histogramMetricView
&& histogramMetricView.Percentiles[percentile].Value is { } previousPercentileValue)
return traceValue.Value - previousPercentileValue;
return traceValue;
if (traceValuesByPercentile.Values.All(value => value is null))
if (OnlyShowValueChangesInTable && valueDiffs.All(diff => DoubleEquals(diff, 0)))
newMetrics.Add(xValue, CreateHistogramMetricView());
MetricViewBase CreateHistogramMetricView()
var percentiles = new SortedDictionary<int, (string Name, double? Value, ValueDirectionChange Direction)>();
for (var traceIndex = 0; traceIndex < traces.Count; traceIndex++)
var trace = traces[traceIndex];
percentiles.Add(trace.Percentile!.Value, (trace.Name, trace.Values[i], GetDirectionChange(valueDiffs[traceIndex])));
return new HistogramMetricView
DateTime = xValue,
Percentiles = percentiles,
Exemplars = []
var trace = traces.Single();
var yValue = trace.Values[i];
var valueDiff = yValue is not null && (previousMetric as MetricValueView)?.Value is { } previousValue ? yValue - previousValue : yValue;
if (yValue is null)
if (OnlyShowValueChangesInTable && DoubleEquals(valueDiff, 0d))
newMetrics.Add(xValue, CreateMetricView());
MetricViewBase CreateMetricView()
return new MetricValueView
DateTime = xValue,
Value = yValue,
ValueChange = GetDirectionChange(valueDiff),
Exemplars = []
// Associate exemplars with rows. Need to happen after rows are calculated because they could be skipped (e.g. unchanged data)
for (var i = newMetrics.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var current = newMetrics.GetValueAtIndex(i);
var endTime = (i != newMetrics.Count - 1) ? current.DateTime : (DateTimeOffset?)null;
var startTime = (i > 0) ? newMetrics.GetKeyAtIndex(i - 1) : (DateTimeOffset?)null;
var currentExemplars = exemplars.Where(e => (e.Start >= startTime || startTime == null) && (e.Start < endTime || endTime == null)).ToList();
Debug.Assert(exemplars.Count == newMetrics.Sum(m => m.Value.Exemplars.Count), $"Expected {exemplars.Count} exemplars but got {newMetrics.Sum(m => m.Value.Exemplars.Count)} exemplars.");
var latestCurrentMetric = _metrics.Keys.OfType<DateTimeOffset?>().LastOrDefault();
addedXValues = newMetrics.Keys.Where(newKey => newKey > latestCurrentMetric || latestCurrentMetric == null).ToHashSet();
return newMetrics;
private static bool DoubleEquals(double? a, double? b)
if (a is not null && b is not null)
return Math.Abs(a.Value - b.Value) < 0.00002; // arbitrarily small number
if ((a is null && b is not null) || (a is not null && b is null))
return false;
return true;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
_jsModule = await JS.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("import", "/Components/Controls/Chart/MetricTable.razor.js");
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
// The first data is used to initialize the chart. The module needs to be ready first.
protected override bool ReadyForData() => _jsModule != null;
private bool IsHistogramInstrument()
return _instrument?.Type == OtlpInstrumentType.Histogram;
private bool ShowPercentiles()
return IsHistogramInstrument() && !_showCount;
private Task SettingsChangedAsync() => InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
private static ValueDirectionChange GetDirectionChange(double? comparisonResult)
if (comparisonResult > 0)
return ValueDirectionChange.Up;
return comparisonResult < 0 ? ValueDirectionChange.Down : ValueDirectionChange.Constant;
protected override async ValueTask DisposeAsync(bool disposing)
await base.DisposeAsync(disposing);
if (disposing)
await JSInteropHelpers.SafeDisposeAsync(_jsModule);
public abstract record MetricViewBase
public required DateTimeOffset DateTime { get; set; }
public required List<ChartExemplar> Exemplars { get; set; }
public record MetricValueView : MetricViewBase
public required double? Value { get; set; }
public required ValueDirectionChange? ValueChange { get; init; }
public record HistogramMetricView : MetricViewBase
public required SortedDictionary<int, (string Name, double? Value, ValueDirectionChange Direction)> Percentiles { get; init; }
public enum ValueDirectionChange
private (Icon Icon, string Title)? GetIconAndTitleForDirection(ValueDirectionChange? directionChange)
return directionChange switch
ValueDirectionChange.Up => (new Icons.Filled.Size16.ArrowCircleUp().WithColor(Color.Success), Loc[nameof(ControlsStrings.MetricTableValueIncreased)]),
ValueDirectionChange.Down => (new Icons.Filled.Size16.ArrowCircleDown().WithColor(Color.Warning), Loc[nameof(ControlsStrings.MetricTableValueDecreased)]),
ValueDirectionChange.Constant => (new Icons.Filled.Size16.ArrowCircleRight().WithColor(Color.Info), Loc[nameof(ControlsStrings.MetricTableValueNoChange)]),
_ => null
private static string FormatMetricValue(double? value)
return value is null ? string.Empty : value.Value.ToString("F3", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);