// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Testing;
public class TestSink : ITestSink
private ConcurrentQueue<BeginScopeContext> _scopes;
private ConcurrentQueue<WriteContext> _writes;
public TestSink(
Func<WriteContext, bool>? writeEnabled = null,
Func<BeginScopeContext, bool>? beginEnabled = null)
WriteEnabled = writeEnabled;
BeginEnabled = beginEnabled;
_scopes = new ConcurrentQueue<BeginScopeContext>();
_writes = new ConcurrentQueue<WriteContext>();
public Func<WriteContext, bool>? WriteEnabled { get; set; }
public Func<BeginScopeContext, bool>? BeginEnabled { get; set; }
public IProducerConsumerCollection<BeginScopeContext> Scopes { get => _scopes; set => _scopes = new ConcurrentQueue<BeginScopeContext>(value); }
public IProducerConsumerCollection<WriteContext> Writes { get => _writes; set => _writes = new ConcurrentQueue<WriteContext>(value); }
public event Action<WriteContext>? MessageLogged;
public event Action<BeginScopeContext>? ScopeStarted;
public void Write(WriteContext context)
if (WriteEnabled == null || WriteEnabled(context))
public void Begin(BeginScopeContext context)
if (BeginEnabled == null || BeginEnabled(context))
public static bool EnableWithTypeName<T>(WriteContext context)
return context.LoggerName?.Equals(typeof(T).FullName) == true;
public static bool EnableWithTypeName<T>(BeginScopeContext context)
return context.LoggerName?.Equals(typeof(T).FullName) == true;