// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // NOTE: This version of PropertyFetcher is AOT-compatible. // Usages of the non-AOT-compatible version can be moved over to this one when they need to support AOT/trimming. // Copied from https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet/blob/86a6ba0b7f7ed1f5e84e5a6610e640989cd3ae9f/src/Shared/DiagnosticSourceInstrumentation/PropertyFetcher.cs#L30 #nullable enable #if NETSTANDARD2_1_0_OR_GREATER || NET using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; #endif using System.Reflection; namespace OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation; /// <summary> /// PropertyFetcher fetches a property from an object. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the property being fetched.</typeparam> internal sealed class PropertyFetcher<T> { #if NET private const string TrimCompatibilityMessage = "PropertyFetcher is used to access properties on objects dynamically by design and cannot be made trim compatible."; #endif private readonly string propertyName; private PropertyFetch? innerFetcher; /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PropertyFetcher{T}"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyName">Property name to fetch.</param> public PropertyFetcher(string propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } public int NumberOfInnerFetchers => this.innerFetcher == null ? 0 : 1 + this.innerFetcher.NumberOfInnerFetchers; /// <summary> /// Try to fetch the property from the object. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">Object to be fetched.</param> /// <param name="value">Fetched value.</param> /// <returns><see langword= "true"/> if the property was fetched.</returns> #if NET [RequiresUnreferencedCode(TrimCompatibilityMessage)] #endif public bool TryFetch( #if NETSTANDARD2_1_0_OR_GREATER || NET [NotNullWhen(true)] #endif object? obj, out T? value) { var innerFetcher = this.innerFetcher; if (innerFetcher is null) { return TryFetchRare(obj, this.propertyName, ref this.innerFetcher, out value); } return innerFetcher.TryFetch(obj, out value); } #if NET [RequiresUnreferencedCode(TrimCompatibilityMessage)] #endif private static bool TryFetchRare(object? obj, string propertyName, ref PropertyFetch? destination, out T? value) { if (obj is null) { value = default; return false; } var fetcher = PropertyFetch.Create(obj.GetType().GetTypeInfo(), propertyName); if (fetcher is null) { value = default; return false; } destination = fetcher; return fetcher.TryFetch(obj, out value); } // see https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/master/src/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource/src/System/Diagnostics/DiagnosticSourceEventSource.cs #if NET [RequiresUnreferencedCode(TrimCompatibilityMessage)] #endif private abstract class PropertyFetch { public abstract int NumberOfInnerFetchers { get; } public static PropertyFetch? Create(TypeInfo type, string propertyName) { var property = type.DeclaredProperties.FirstOrDefault(p => string.Equals(p.Name, propertyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? type.GetProperty(propertyName); return CreateFetcherForProperty(property); static PropertyFetch? CreateFetcherForProperty(PropertyInfo? propertyInfo) { if (propertyInfo == null || !typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(propertyInfo.PropertyType)) { // returns null and wait for a valid payload to arrive. return null; } var declaringType = propertyInfo.DeclaringType; if (declaringType!.IsValueType) { throw new NotSupportedException( $"Type: {declaringType.FullName} is a value type. PropertyFetcher can only operate on reference payload types."); } if (declaringType == typeof(object)) { // TODO: REMOVE this if branch when .NET 7 is out of support. // This branch is never executed and is only needed for .NET 7 AOT-compiler at trimming stage; i.e., // this is not needed in .NET 8, because the compiler is improved and call into MakeGenericMethod will be AOT-compatible. // It is used to force the AOT compiler to create an instantiation of the method with a reference type. // The code for that instantiation can then be reused at runtime to create instantiation over any other reference. return CreateInstantiated<object>(propertyInfo); } else { return DynamicInstantiationHelper(declaringType, propertyInfo); } // Separated as a local function to be able to target the suppression to just this call. // IL3050 was generated here because of the call to MakeGenericType, which is problematic in AOT if one of the type parameters is a value type; // because the compiler might need to generate code specific to that type. // If the type parameter is a reference type, there will be no problem; because the generated code can be shared among all reference type instantiations. #if NET [UnconditionalSuppressMessage("AOT", "IL3050", Justification = "The code guarantees that all the generic parameters are reference types.")] #endif static PropertyFetch? DynamicInstantiationHelper(Type declaringType, PropertyInfo propertyInfo) { return (PropertyFetch?)typeof(PropertyFetch) .GetMethod(nameof(CreateInstantiated), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)! .MakeGenericMethod(declaringType) // This is validated in the earlier call chain to be a reference type. .Invoke(null, new object[] { propertyInfo })!; } } } public abstract bool TryFetch( #if NETSTANDARD2_1_0_OR_GREATER || NET [NotNullWhen(true)] #endif object? obj, out T? value); // Goal: make PropertyFetcher AOT-compatible. // AOT compiler can't guarantee correctness when call into MakeGenericType or MakeGenericMethod // if one of the generic parameters is a value type (reference types are OK.) // For PropertyFetcher, the decision was made to only support reference type payloads, i.e.: // the object from which to get the property value MUST be a reference type. // Create generics with the declared object type as a generic parameter is OK, but we need the return type // of the property to be a value type (on top of reference types.) // Normally, we would have a helper class like `PropertyFetchInstantiated` that takes 2 generic parameters, // the declared object type, and the type of the property value. // But that would mean calling MakeGenericType, with value type parameters which AOT won't support. // // As a workaround, Generic instantiation was split into: // 1. The object type comes from the PropertyFetcher generic parameter. // Compiler supports it even if it is a value type; the type is known statically during compilation // since PropertyFetcher is used with it. // 2. Then, the declared object type is passed as a generic parameter to a generic method on PropertyFetcher<T> (or nested type.) // Therefore, calling into MakeGenericMethod will only require specifying one parameter - the declared object type. // The declared object type is guaranteed to be a reference type (throw on value type.) Thus, MakeGenericMethod is AOT compatible. private static PropertyFetchInstantiated<TDeclaredObject> CreateInstantiated<TDeclaredObject>(PropertyInfo propertyInfo) where TDeclaredObject : class => new PropertyFetchInstantiated<TDeclaredObject>(propertyInfo); #if NET [RequiresUnreferencedCode(TrimCompatibilityMessage)] #endif private sealed class PropertyFetchInstantiated<TDeclaredObject> : PropertyFetch where TDeclaredObject : class { private readonly string propertyName; private readonly Func<TDeclaredObject, T> propertyFetch; private PropertyFetch? innerFetcher; public PropertyFetchInstantiated(PropertyInfo property) { this.propertyName = property.Name; this.propertyFetch = (Func<TDeclaredObject, T>)property.GetMethod!.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<TDeclaredObject, T>)); } public override int NumberOfInnerFetchers => this.innerFetcher == null ? 0 : 1 + this.innerFetcher.NumberOfInnerFetchers; public override bool TryFetch( #if NETSTANDARD2_1_0_OR_GREATER || NET [NotNullWhen(true)] #endif object? obj, out T? value) { if (obj is TDeclaredObject o) { value = this.propertyFetch(o); return true; } var innerFetcher = this.innerFetcher; if (innerFetcher is null) { return TryFetchRare(obj, this.propertyName, ref this.innerFetcher, out value); } return innerFetcher.TryFetch(obj, out value); } } } } |