// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Data.Common;
using Aspire.OpenAI;
using Azure.AI.OpenAI;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using OpenAI;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
/// <summary>
/// Provides extension methods for registering <see cref="OpenAIClient"/> or <see cref="AzureOpenAIClient"/> as a singleton in the services provided by the <see cref="IHostApplicationBuilder"/>.
/// </summary>
public static class AspireConfigurableOpenAIExtensions
private const string ConnectionStringEndpoint = "Endpoint";
private const string ConnectionStringKey = "Key";
private const string ConnectionStringIsAzure = "IsAzure";
/// <summary>
/// Registers <see cref="OpenAIClient"/> or <see cref="AzureOpenAIClient"/> as a singleton in the services provided by the <paramref name="builder"/>.
/// The concrete implementation is selected automatically from configuration.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IHostApplicationBuilder" /> to read config from and add services to.</param>
/// <param name="connectionName">A name used to retrieve the connection string from the ConnectionStrings configuration section.</param>
/// <returns>An <see cref="AspireOpenAIClientBuilder"/> that can be used to register additional services.</returns>
public static AspireOpenAIClientBuilder AddOpenAIClientFromConfiguration(
this IHostApplicationBuilder builder,
string connectionName)
var useAzure = false;
if (builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString(connectionName) is string connectionString)
useAzure = IsAzureConnectionString(connectionString, connectionName);
return useAzure ?
builder.AddAzureOpenAIClient(connectionName) :
/// <summary>
/// Registers <see cref="OpenAIClient"/> as a singleton in the services provided by the <paramref name="builder"/>.
/// The concrete implementation is selected automatically from configuration.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IHostApplicationBuilder" /> to read config from and add services to.</param>
/// <param name="name">The name of the component, which is used as the <see cref="ServiceDescriptor.ServiceKey"/> of the service and also to retrieve the connection string from the ConnectionStrings configuration section.</param>
/// <returns>An <see cref="AspireOpenAIClientBuilder"/> that can be used to register additional services.</returns>
public static AspireOpenAIClientBuilder AddKeyedOpenAIClientFromConfiguration(
this IHostApplicationBuilder builder,
string name)
var useAzure = false;
if (builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString(name) is string connectionString)
useAzure = IsAzureConnectionString(connectionString, name);
return useAzure ?
builder.AddKeyedAzureOpenAIClient(name) :
private static bool IsAzureConnectionString(string connectionString, string connectionName)
Uri? serviceUri = null;
string? apiKey = null;
var connectionBuilder = new DbConnectionStringBuilder
ConnectionString = connectionString
if (connectionBuilder.TryGetValue(ConnectionStringEndpoint, out var endpoint) && endpoint != null && Uri.TryCreate(endpoint.ToString(), UriKind.Absolute, out var endpointUri))
serviceUri = endpointUri;
if (connectionBuilder.TryGetValue(ConnectionStringKey, out var key) && key != null)
apiKey = key.ToString()?.Trim();
if (serviceUri == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiKey))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"An OpenAIClient could not be configured. Ensure valid connection information was provided in 'ConnectionStrings:{connectionName}'.");
if (connectionBuilder.ContainsKey(ConnectionStringIsAzure))
return bool.TryParse(connectionBuilder[ConnectionStringIsAzure].ToString(), out var isAzure) && isAzure;
if (serviceUri != null && serviceUri.Host.Contains(".azure.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;